Hey fans,
so I
finished Keeping the Moon a few days ago, it was a great book and I LOVED it!
Colie is a brave person- and I was soooo proud of her lol :)
now I have started that summer- which is like... 198 pages ... so I am reading soo slow.
I have also decided to re-read Just Listen because I can't find This Lullaby in my library, which sends
me into a huge state of panic- I NEED it by this July so I can go see the movie out in theatres...
which makes me think- will it be a theatre production or something right off the shelf?? I keep
waiting around my house hoping to see commercials sooooooon!!!!!
but The news is spreading- my mom read one of her books and is now moving on to more,
another of my friends (who surprisingly didn't know I was a fan!?) saw me reading her book in the library and was like-
"You read her books?! I just got done with Just Listen!" she liked it alot apparently lol, so I ran to the shelf
and nearly ripped Lock and Key off the shelf to make her read it...
Hantah <3